Rock those Chakras: A Guide to the Chakras & the Colors & Crystals that Connect Them

Rock those Chakras: A Guide to the Chakras & the Colors & Crystals that Connect Them

Sep 17, 2014

Chakras are the energy centers of the body.  In Sanskrit, the word chakra means “wheel” or “vortex”, and that is what chakras are: spiralling vortexes of energy which hold, balance, and emanate different powers and aspects of our spiritual bodies.  There are seven major chakras, each with their own gifts to empower the physical body and bring about the development of our self-consciousness.

When you are having a problem in life, emotional or physical, it may be because the corresponding chakra is blocked or out of balance.  This imbalance can be addressed in several ways–for example: receiving reiki, or meditating on a crystal, color, or sound that resonates on the same vibrational frequency as that chakra.  It may sound complicated, but do not fear! Your chakras are ultimately your own energy, so all it takes is your conciousness and intention to set them right!

If you have a chakra imbalance and would like to work on it, try this simple meditation:

Sit or lie down comfortably in a quiet room, making sure you will not be disturbed (remember to turn off the ringer on your phone!).  Burn some of your favorite incense (we love nag champa!) or a candle to create an olfactory separation between this sacred space and your daily life.  If you are laying down, you might like to place an energy-amplifying crystal on the physical location of the chakra, or if seated, you might simply hold it there. (See below for the crystals that are best for each chakra)

Breathe in and out, counting each exhale until you get to 20.  If other thoughts enter your mind, observe them and let them go.  Sometimes it helps to have a mantra to keep yourself present, so create one that has meaning for you as it corresponds to the issue you would like to address. We like to use the Mexicali chakra attributes flags or batik chakra wall hanging as a meditation object, focusing on the color and mantra of a specific chakra flag for a meditation. You can do that, or create one on your own if you wish!  For example, if you want to meditate on the root chakra, which is the center of grounding, your mantra might be, “I am present”.

Picture your chakra as a spinning wheel of colored light.  When you breathe in, imagine that you are letting in a waterfall of white light and positive energy, which makes your chakra grow brighter.  When you breathe out, imagine you are releasing all of your bad feelings or pain in a little grey puff of smoke.  Repeat this, breathing slowly, for as long as you feel is right.


Chakra Basics: A Guide to the Chakras

The Root/Base Chakra–Center of Grounding & Security

Color: red

Location: base of the tailbone

Consciousness: security, trust, relationship to the body & the Earth, being grounded & present in the here and now, having passion for life

Signs of balance: good health, vitality, comfortable in body, sense of trust in the world, ability to relax and be still, centered

Symptoms that this chakra is out of balance:

Deficiency–insecurity, fear, anxiety, feeling “spacey”, disconnected from body/living in your head only–too much mental chatter, chronic disorganization, poor discipline, little willpower, lack of confidence, trust issues in relationships

Excess–hoarding, material fixation, rigid boundaries, fear of change, overeating, greed, overly protective, possessive, aggressive

Crystals to balance & benefit: garnet, agate, tiger’s eye, onyx, ruby, black obsidian, black tourmaline, hematite, smokey quartz, red jasper, bloodstone

Essential Oils & Incense: cedar, cinnamon, clove, dragon’s blood, sandalwood, ylang ylang, patchouli, clary sage, vetiver, rosewood

“I am safe.”
“I feel connected to the earth.”
“I trust myself.”
“I stand up for myself.”
“My body supports me in living a creative and happy life.”
“I am at peace with life.”
“The world is a safe & friendly place.”
“I have what I need.”
“I belong.”
“I live to my fullest potential.”

Other Healing Ideas: Walk outside in bare feet (helps feel more “grounded” and connected to nature), bridge pose or another yoga backbend, eat vegetables from the ground (beets, potatoes, carrots) and hot spices (red cayenne pepper, tabasco), meditate outside while sitting on the ground, dance

The Sacral Chakra–Center of Creativity & Change

Color: Orange

Consciousness: happiness, creativity, sexuality, emotions & willingness to feel them, manifestation, honoring relationships, learning to “let go”, money

Signs of balance: nurturing of yourself and others, joyful, energetic, independent, secure, compassionate, patient, friendly, sociable

Symptoms that this chakra is out of balance:

Deficiency–guilt, shame, overwhelmed, overly sensitive, shy, timid, immobilized by fear, clingy or isolated, emotional numbness, procrastination, diminished libido

Excess–emotional outbursts, manipulative, caught up in illusions, poor boundaries, obsessive attachment, pleasure addiction


“I welcome the comfort of others in times of need.”
“I am lovable and I am loved.”
“I feel abundance around and within me.”
“I am emotionally aware of myself.”
“I trust the process of life.”
“I am a unique being full of creative potential.”

Crystals to balance & benefit: garnet, carnelian, copper, fire opal, tiger’s eye, orange calcite

Essential Oils & Incense: angelica, gardenia, lemongrass, orange, lemon, bergamot, rose, sandalwood

Other Healing Ideas: hip-opening yoga poses, dance, visualize the color orange, cobra pose, journaling, pursuing personal projects, spend time near water in nature, eat almonds, cinnamon, strawberries, coconut, oranges

The Solar Plexus Chakra–Center of Power & Confidence

Color: Yellow

Location: Just above the navel and below the rib cage

Signs of balance: confidence, healthy relationships, freedom, assertiveness, clarity, self-control, motivation, success in business and material world, vitality, spontaneity, celebrating life, feeling empowered

Symptoms that this chakra is out of balance:

Deficiency–low self-worth, mental fatigue, memory problems, moodiness, digestive disorders, doubt, negative self-talk, inferiority complex, weak intentions, fragile determination

Excess–stubbornness, aggression, projecting superiority, intrusive, quarrelsome, overpowering, pushy, angry, rebellious, viciously competitive, ruthless, chaotic, burnt out, exhausted, disconnected, workaholic, fears intimacy, fussy, lack of tolerance


“I accept and value myself exactly as I am.”
“I am confident that I know what is in my best interest.”
“I am my own person. I choose how to think and behave.”
“I choose health, healing, and happiness.”
“I am worthy of love, respect, joy, and prosperity. I am open to receiving all of these good things and more!”
“My personal power is becoming stronger each day.”
“I delight in the opportunity each day to be true to the wisdom of my highest self.”
“Every present moment is another chance to make a positive choice.”

Crystals to balance and benefit: Citrine, Amber, Gold, Topaz, Malachite, Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite

Essential Oils & Incense: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Fennel, Rosemary, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Chamomile

Other Healing Ideas: yoga boat pose, dancing, eat whole grains & yellow fruits, drink peppermint or chamomile tea, taking a walk in the sunshine, sitting in front of a campfire or fireplace, burning yellow candles, visualizing the chakra as a sunflower

The Heart Chakra–Center of Love & Compassion for Self & Others

Color: Green (or Pink)

Location: The center of the breastbone or sternum

Consciousness: love, joy, inner peace, honesty, healing

Signs of balance: patience, generosity, peace, kindness, forgiveness, love, humor, compassion, accepting others as they are, self-acceptance, healthy immune system

Symptoms this chakra is out of balance:

Deficiency–negative thinking, stubborn thought patterns, feeling unloved, unworthy, having a hard time trusting others, antisocial, withdrawn, narcissism, fear of intimacy

Excess–ruled by emotions, manipulativeness, mood swings, grief, co-dependency, harsh judgement of others, looking outward for acceptance or fulfillment, intense jealousy, overly sacrificing, clinging


“I forgive freely and easily.”
“I am worthy of love.”
“I find courage in my vulnerability.”
“I am loving to others and myself.”
“There is an endless supply of love.”

Crystals: Malachite, Rose Quartz, Jade, Peridot, Green Aventurine, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite

Essential Oils & Incense: Rose, Eucalyptus, Pine, Palmarosa, Hyssop, Lavender, Neroli, Chamomile, Ylang ylang, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rosemary

Other Healing Ideas: chest opening yoga poses, hugging, verbally expressing love, drink green tea, eat pink grapefruit and green vegetables, lighting green candles, surrounding yourself with the greenery of nature in real life or with photos

The Throat Chakra–Center of Communication

Color: Blue (or Turquoise)

Location: The central base of the neck, throat

Consciousness:  expressing feelings, speaking your truth, listening to intuition, creativity, sharing

Signs of balance: freely flowing communication, honest expression, good listening, artistic expression, happiness in career

Symptoms this chakra is out of balance:

Deficiency–quiet, timid, unreliable, manipulative, inconsistent, devious, can’t express your thoughts, afraid to speak, poor rhythm, tone deaf, weak voice, feeling isolated & misunderstood

Excess–gossiping, interrupting, arrogance, inability to listen, self-righteous, talking as a defense, ignorant, dogmatic


“I express myself honestly.”
“I release the habit of gossip.”
“I use my words to empower others.”
“I speak up for myself.”
“I speak the truth with love.”

Crystal: Lapis, Blue Agate, Sapphire, Sodalite, TurquoiseAquamarine

Essential Oils & Incense: Peppermint, Tea Tree, Thyme, Cypress, Geranium

Other Healing Ideas: shoulder stand yoga pose, singing or chanting, listen to favorite music, eat raw fruit and sea vegetables (algae, dulse kelp, nori), play Tibetan singing bowls or bells, visualize blue light emanating from the throat

The Third Eye Chakra–Center of Intuition & Extra Sensory Perception

Color: Indigo

Location: center of brow, between the eyes

Consciousness:  intuition, imagination, wisdom, decision-making, dreams, psychic ability, spirituality, empathy

Signs of balance: clear head, easily discerning reality from imagination, full understanding that you are the creator of your own reality, astral projection, lucid dreaming, receiving messages from spirit guides, ease in learning new things

Symptoms this chakra is out of balance:

Deficiency–negative self-talk, not trusting intuition, trouble making decisions, lacking purpose, second-guessing everything, afraid to take action, lacking common sense, memory and learning difficulties

Excess–immersed in a fantasy world, stressed, delusional thinking, judgemental, unsympathetic, over-intellectual thinking


“I honor my vision; I trust my intuition.”
“Imagination fuels my creativity.”
“I see beyond the veil of societal conditioning and illusion.”
“I am open to receiving guidance, and following through.”
“I learn with ease and  joy.”
“I look at low energy situations from my highest self before I choose how to react.”
“I see divine light in everyone.”
“I open my heart and mind to the wisdom that is within me.”
“I am constantly expanding my awareness.”

Crystal: IoliteQuartz, Tanzanite, Amethyst, Sodalite

Essential Oils & Incense: Patchouli, Camphor, Frankincense, Star Anise, Lavender, Clary Sage, Juniper, Rosemary, Sandalwood

Other Healing Ideas: child’s or fish yoga pose, eat broccoli & purple fruits or vegetables (eggplant, grapes, purple onions, prunes), stargazing, visiting an art museum, meditation, wear purple

The Crown Chakra–Center of Cosmic Consciousness

Color: Violet

Crystal: Clear Quartz, Diamond, Amethyst

Essential Oils & Incense: Jasmine, Lavender, Magnolia, Lotus

Consciousness:  integration of spirit & body, connection to spirituality, empathy, bliss, prophetic dreams, compassion, feeling connected to others & the universe

Symptoms that this chakra is out of balance: feeling isolated, disconnected, egocentric, overwhelmed

Other Healing Ideas: meditation, downward dog yoga pose, running or other cardio, spend time outdoors in fresh air & sunshine


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