August 25-31, 2024
From examining the intricacies of our values to facing the tests of our intentions to letting go of the past, this week promises some healthy shifts in directions we should be focusing on, though focusing may prove challenging at some junctures. If we hold on to hope, cast our gaze from the past to the future, and watch what can unfold before us, we are bound to believe in the power of positive thinking and manifestation. With Mercury stationing direct and Venus ingressing Libra, the future is all about progress while working together. May we continue to awaken to the subtleties of our habits and cycles in order to transcend them and immerse ourselves in greater serenity.
Daily Astrology Forecast
Sunday, August 25, 2024 👇
Moon in Taurus square Mercury in Leo
Moon in Taurus trine Venus in Virgo
Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius
We have a healthy dose of examining our values today. Maybe we need to consider the value of humility and where we need to integrate that a little more in our lives. We may become more aware of where we resist the need to humble ourselves for the sake of a relationship. We might think we are all that, but today that notion does not seem so likely anymore. Some much greater refinement and commitment to improving our lifestyle and personal habits is sure to crop up somewhere. This is especially important and valuable to the overall health of any relationships we are in. Humble sacrifice is a critical element to the integrity of relating well to others.
The theme of working on ourselves for the sake of a more sustainable future is heavily at play. Though the communication lines may be a bit moody and dissonant early in the day, eventually some harmony returns to help us sort out how to truly make life more enjoyable and exciting. Spontaneity might strike and surprise us with a playful outing, or maybe we could be the one to bring that kind of fun into the day. Eventually, we slip into a more cozy, dreamy, and blissful mood to round out our likely emotionally fluctuating day.
Monday, August 26, 2024 👇
Moon in Gemini square Sun in Virgo
Today’s Third Quarter Moon acts as a final test to see how we are coming along with the intentions we set back on August 6th. Do we feel like we have put noticeable effort into brightening our outlook while resisting any ego bedazzlement? This luminary aspect is particularly about integrating what we learn into our lives for greater refinement and improved health. This can especially manifest through the practice of ridding ourselves of habits and routines that are not making our lives better. What has been whispered to us for quite some time that we just keep refusing to acknowledge or act on? Can something be done to shed the suffering at least a little bit more?
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 👇
Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
Moon in Gemini sextile Mercury in Leo
Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries
Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini
There is a fun and playful air to this morning, yet it has some caution attached to it, especially if we are not careful with what we say. It can be a classic foot-in-mouth day that gets the better of us. Or perhaps someone else blurts out something inappropriate that churns the seas of awkwardness and leaves some cross feelings in its wake. Fortunately, we are bound to carry on in some sort of social situation that can lead to some very intriguing conversation, so let’s try not to get too hung up on any misspoken words, even if we feel compelled to do so.
The words are flowing, the inspiration is flowing, and our ambition to learn is flowing. What do we need to learn more about? How do we prioritize what is necessary to understand for a more efficient arrival at our destination of mastery and healing? Sometimes we feel the need to figure it all out before we make any moves, and while this is okay, we should grant ourselves some leeway and consider how valuable it is to just go for it sometimes and learn as we go. There can be ample inspiration to do just that this evening, so it would be good to spend the day getting our ducks in a row and mapping out a strategic course of action.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024 👇
Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
*Mercury stations direct in Leo*
Our functionality and wherewithal is being challenged today. There are innumerable ways we can all be challenged by overwhelm, confusion, and delusion, and today we are quite likely to experience something along these lines. Relationships, finances, and our cluttered minds can take the brunt of the impact, stifling our capacity to function as optimally as we would prefer. The whims of what we cannot control can steer us away from the hard work we should otherwise be taking care of. Rest assured, there is good reason for much of what may show up unexpectedly, even whatever chaos might ensue in our relationships. Taking some time off to find a lake or ocean to swim in might help quell the stress and overwhelm.
When Mercury stations direct or retrograde, its apparent motion is standing still in the sky, which means there is a sort of lull in our minds and in the motion of any productivity. This can contribute to the additional spinning overwhelm from the other Neptunian aspects happening today. It would be an ideal day to take off from work, but if we cannot, we should anticipate some stagnancy surrounding productivity. Focusing the best we can on organizing what lies ahead can really help us feel as though we have a good handle on where we stand. And standing is exactly how this stationary Mercury is influencing us today. We should remember to breathe through it all, trust the mists will dissipate, and know that our capacity to function optimally will return very soon.
Thursday, August 29, 2024 👇
*Venus ingresses Libra*
Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius
Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces
Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
After yesterday’s swath of overwhelm taking such a toll on our minds and relationships, there are some openly flowing new beginnings to look forward to today. We might still seep into some heavy, dark corners, but we should consider these possibilities as opportunities to shed light on what needs to be addressed as we move forward out of the dissonance. Venus returns to her other domicile of Libra today, heralding a more harmonious approach to working with others. Our relationships are at the fore of our minds, taking us into places we need to go together with more awareness and desire for growth. Conscious acquiescence as a sacrifice for the health of a relationship can help bring the dynamics into greater balance. We just need to understand the value of sacrifice and compromise when working together to sustain a joyous and compassionate union.
All of the above said, our emotions could take us into some moody alleys behind divey bars if we are not careful expressing them. Boundaries and wrongs could come up, sliding us into some murky territories. But our feelings need to be expressed, so as long as we are sure that what we are saying has merit and genuine sincerity, as opposed to finger-pointing malicious intent, much progress and healing can be had if the receiver has open arms and an open heart to help us. As always, compassion reigns supreme through all trying times, so committing to this virtue is always a profound practice in wisdom.
Friday, August 30, 2024 👇
Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius
Moon in Leo sextile Venus in Libra
Our inner child is consulting with the divine today, learning all about the values of looking forward and the conceivable perils of looking back. Though so much can be learned from the past, we are so often consumed by the weight of our emotional baggage that we roll down our mountain of hope we spent so much time and energy climbing. Looking out into the bright future of potentiality brings renewed hope and an uplifting zesty joy. How do we think we will feel when we rise above the doldrums of despair and regret? Retraining our minds to elevate our consciousness in turn retrains our emotional body and allows our soul to genuinely evolve and transcend the hooks and traps and loops we get snagged in.
As Moon ingresses Leo and opposes Pluto, and despite the possible weight and struggle this could impose upon us, it is as though the challenge to transcend and evolve is being literally asked of us deep within. How do we make it past the huffallumps and woozles? By trusting there are butterflies and daisies and having no fear that we can make it there. And we will indeed make it if we do not give up on seeking what lies ahead and not always trying to understand what lies behind. A loved one or dear friend could help bring some much needed loving relief this evening, so maybe we should make a date to spend time with someone we love to discuss our futures and what we have to look forward to.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Moon in Leo
Having a day off from any perfecting major aspects might seem like it could be a walk in the park, but lingering aspects continue to push us forward into the steady stream of the evolution of our consciousness. However, having a day such as this with a Leo Moon certainly helps make for a playful and enjoyable day. Processing all we have gone through is not necessary all the time, despite what some may recommend or imply. Letting go of the heavy weights that drag us down into the dungeons of sorrow must be done. The wind is blowing a beautiful late summer breeze through the jasmine in our minds and we must go follow those olfactory senses to discover our bliss. In the words of Bobby Weir, “Just crank up that old Victrola, put on your rocking shoes!” Have some fun today!
This week helps shape our foray into the waning days of summer (or winter in the Southern Hemisphere). Either way, it is often a delightful time of year no matter where you are on the planet, so it is apropos that we should begin to look ahead more than we have looked behind. Teardrops of joy are so much more enlightening that teardrops of pain, and those joyful drops are the elixir of longevity. We are learning to work together in greater harmony with an eye to a more uplifting and sustainable future in our relationships and our own personal, intimate journey within. Ahoy, mateys!
Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at