November 14th - November 20th: Ride the Lunar Waves🌕🌊

November 14th - November 20th: Ride the Lunar Waves🌕🌊

Nov 13, 2021

The Solar Rays are shining into the deep waters of Scorpio as we begin this week and in a tight trine with Neptune in Pisces the sparkle of lost treasures may catch your eye. Be alert to what Neptune allows to float to the surface!

Venus in Capricorn has moved into a trine with Uranus in Taurus so there may well be a an unexpected romantic encounter that brings comfort and pleasure. Or perhaps a sudden windfall of cash or a bonus at work. 

Venus in Cap is all about material values.

On Monday, Jupiter and the Sun square off at 23 degrees of Aquarius and Scorpio, fixed air and fixed water. This is an opportunity to access inner depths and integrate insights via social media. The blogosphere calls!

By Thursday, the Moon has swung into its favorite sign, Taurus. It will briefly meet with Uranus there and square Saturn, before culminating in a glorious full moon in a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. 

Throw in an opposition to Mercury and Mars and this becomes a Pop! Pow! Kazaam! full moon radiating Plutonian power. 

As if that isn't enough psychodrama potential, the Earth then casts her shadow over the Moon and we experience an 87 percent partial eclipse setting inotion this eclipse season.

Eclipses are resets, portals to other realms and possibilities. In Taurus, it's our values and valuables that are recast.

Prepare to ride the lunar waves as our Moon soars through the next two weeks illuminating Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.

Where is 27 degrees of Taurus in your chart? Or 27 Scorpio? Those are the bull's eye spots for this  sling shot of a Master Moon. 

Hope for clear skies because this will be a truly beautiful lunar vision.


Our astrologer, Laura Kenworthy, has been studying the patterns of the cosmic matrix for more than forty years.. The language of astrology came naturally for her but she was also fortunate enough to have had several masterful mentors including Rick Tarnas, author of Cosmos and Psyche, Kelly Lee Phipps, Liz Greene, and most recently Adam Ellenbaas.  If you would like to have a personal reading, she can be reached at Learn to dance with the stars!

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