January 2nd - January 8th: The View from the Mountain Top ⛰

January 2nd - January 8th: The View from the Mountain Top ⛰

Jan 3, 2022

The view from the mountain top for 2022... seriously. 

The first New Moon of the year casts a long shadow, affecting not only January but the entire  twelve month cycle of 2022. Capricorn bookends this year so get out your planning calendars and set your goals!

What the Sun and Moon co-create as they join in our first New Moon on January 2 is serious business, for Capricorn is an amazingly industrious sign, requiring endurance, fortitude and a sober attitude.

For those who have Capricorn as their sun or rising sign, the super powers of Pluto are driving your life forward now, transforming how you assess and organize what's necessary to get to the mountain top. 

Allow the changes that will fuel your ascent as this Plutonian remix happens.

We all have Capricorn somewhere in our natal chart. Look to that house for assessing how far you've come and how you want to go forward.  A restructuring is taking place in that arena and the New Moon there will open out new pathways in your years'  journey.

Each of us is the CEO of our own unique Self and Capricorn helps us manage the complexities of our life. 

This is a time for updating our systems and rebooting. Delete what's clogging up the current programs. 

Saturn, Capricorn's ruling planet, is transiting through the second half of Aquarius in 2022. It's time to really get to know your unique Self!

And also what you choose to contribute to 

society, to the Collective. There's a dance between the individual and societal needs that's heightened in 2022.

This New Moon will help us get clear on where we're going and determine if we need to change course to achieve our personal and collective goals.

Because we WILL get to the mountain top. And from there the view is amazing!


Our astrologer, Laura Kenworthy, has been studying the patterns of the cosmic matrix for more than forty years.. The language of astrology came naturally for her but she was also fortunate enough to have had several masterful mentors including Rick Tarnas, author of Cosmos and Psyche, Kelly Lee Phipps, Liz Greene, and most recently Adam Ellenbaas.  If you would like to have a personal reading, she can be reached at laurakenworthytucker@gmail.com. Learn to dance with the stars!

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