Goodbye Scorpio, Hello Sagittarius, Goals & Visions ♐️

Goodbye Scorpio, Hello Sagittarius, Goals & Visions ♐️

Nov 17, 2022

November 20-27, 2022


Throughout the day on Sunday, Moon in Libra is applying to a Grand Trine* with Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. The harmonious, free-flowing, and opportune nature of this aspect brings an inspirational mental acuity in which our thoughts and ideas breathe and come to life. Despite the tendencies for angst with Mars and limitations with Saturn, this trine they share in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) with the Moon, is a gust of wind in our sails to show us the way forward.


If we pay attention, our continued reflection upon the ways in which we desire to proceed will reveal answers at this time. Our alert mind can recognize the capacity for a better relationship, a better structure to our life, and a better way to approach difficult situations. A great day to brainstorm, share ideas with others, and learn to compromise in the process in order to make good decisions.


Just after noon on Monday (EST), Moon enters Scorpio. This is the final day of the year that Moon and Sun will be in Scorpio, thus concluding a month-long foray through Scorpio season. The stress of the depth of the difficulties we faced during this time could rear its head once more over these two days before the decompression begins to relieve us just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday with family, so make time to BREATHE and RELIEVE your mind and body as much as possible.


Also on Monday, Mercury and Venus meet at 7° Sagittarius, bringing much needed relief to the stresses of the month. These two planets meeting in Sagittarius bring amplification to our values, desires, and joys. It is a pre-game blessing that ushers in Sun’s ingress to Sagittarius on Tuesday morning and a delightful glimmer of hope and excitement injected into the New Moon in Sagittarius on Wednesday evening (5:56pm EST).


Though we enter Sagittarius season Tuesday morning with Sun’s ingress into that sign, we are really beginning to feel more opportunity, hope, and joy in our day-to-day experiences and encounters as Moon meets Sun Wednesday evening for the New Moon. Just be mindful of proselytizing during this time, as that is another trait of Sagittarius. As always, setting new intentions for a better future are called for, even if those intentions are to breathe slower and deeper, or to walk in the forest more, or to sit quietly alone more. Whatever level of ambition our intentions are, be sure you believe you can achieve them. 


Another suggestion, though it may be difficult to do with Thanksgiving holiday plans in full gear, is to take stock of the pains, losses, fears, struggles, and roadblocks that we encountered over the past month. As sorrowful as this sounds, we can take that list and say a prayer for what is being born from it all. We could even burn the list while we say our prayer out loud. When we lose something, we gain something, even if it is a deeper appreciation for all we have and feel. Growth is seldom without pain and loss, so honor those experiences and look forward during this New Moon with hope and faith that brighter days lie ahead.


Thursday into Friday, as Moon transits through Sagittarius, we are feeling the love and expansive potential of opportunity in our lives. But as Moon opposes Mars in Gemini very early Friday morning, our Friday may begin with some agitation, and it may be difficult to understand why we’re feeling that way. With Mars still being affected by its square to Neptune in Pisces, as Moon enters the arena and creates a T-square with them there is sure to be some eruptive emotional experiences. Knowing this, we must temper ourselves and remember to love and appreciate our family and friends through compassionate selfless acceptance.


Moon enters Capricorn Friday afternoon, ushering in some discipline and strategy to whatever exciting new ideas and intentions we formulated earlier in the week. We will be better able to set our sights on exactly what we wish to achieve moving forward; how to accomplish our goals and visions that lie ahead. Not to mention that getting organized and situated today will allow for a more relaxing weekend. What is it you hope for the most? What do you want to achieve, even if it is a small step toward a greater vision?

*Grand Trine: when three or more planets create an equilateral triangle in the sky, thus all being approximately 120° apart. This will always mean they are all in signs ruled by the same element (fire, earth, air, or water). A very harmonious and free-flowing configuration.

Geoff is available for private consultations at

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