Bask in the Blissful Songs of Springtime 🎶

April 7-13, 2024

With so much always unfolding in the great cycles around us, it is difficult sometimes to catch our breath and find solitude, serenity, and silence. But what we really need during times like these is exactly that. The influence of last week’s eclipse continues to be integrated into the composition of our psyches and souls, but this integration requires we continue to diligently work towards our goals and visions of a future we love and cherish. This week also brings an expansive opportunity to realign our values with the evolution of our consciousness, beckoning us to enter that place of solitude, silence, and serenity to determine what and who we find sacred and cherish more than anything else in our lives. These things are always morphing and changing as we mature and discover more and more who our blissful selves really are.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, April 14, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer square Venus in Aries

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer square its own nodes

Moon in Cancer trine Mars in Pisces


Our feelings hold immense wisdom, though we are often too hung up on trying to handle them and process them to garner what else they might hold for us. Somewhere between our relationships and our daily grind we can find a way to behold ourselves and all the ingredients simmering deep within. That soul stew could be extra spicy today if we are not mindful chefs tending to such a fragile flavor palette. 


Relationships can stumble over some rocky ground today, igniting some unexpected frustrations that have been irritating us unconsciously for however long. It might be a good day to spend more alone than not, ironing out some of our frustrations in solitude. Maybe a long walk or a lengthy immersive swim to help get any stagnant hang-ups unstuck and flowing freely again. This can really improve not just our outlook, but it can also help us envision a healthy structure for our hopes and dreams to abide by. When we do not have a plan in place for our dreams to unfold into, we run the risk of losing our grasp on those dreams, forgetting what we really want, and wasting time wondering what we are doing.


Monday, April 15, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer square Chiron and Mercury in Aries

Moon in Cancer sextile Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus

Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces


Whatever we were feeling deeply during last week’s eclipse is sure to resurface today, perhaps with some clues about how to further proceed toward our desired goals. There could be some agonizing debates with a loved one, friend, or sibling about those goals, but if we remain open to suggestions and cautious advice, we are certainly more likely to recognize the value in their wisdom than if we scoff any commentary off as unhelpful. In other words, we s


Tuesday, April 16, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius


This is a very early morning aspect that can leave a lasting imprint on our day, especially considering there are no other major aspects. The dichotomy between our self-expression and its impact on our close friends or community certainly could prove challenging. This can play out as a lesson in humility. We all need to experience humbling situations throughout our lives in order to keep our ego in check, and this is the kind of aspect that can influence such circumstances.


At the same time, if we are humble and mindful of the potential for such arrogance, this aspect could provide a bevy of strength and power to lift our spirits, boost our confidence, and enable us to enact the shifts necessary to bring us that much closer to being a more authentic and expressive individual. It is a good day to play in the fields of fun, as long as we keep a close watch on any inclination toward boasting. Otherwise, wag you tail and sing your song!


Wednesday, April 17, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo trine Venus in Aries

Moon in Leo trine Mercury and Chiron in Aries

Venus conjunct Moon’s North Node in Aries

Moon in Leo square Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus


The harmonious aspects to the Leo Moon can make for a fun and expressive day, as long as we heed our call to focus on the good work we are doing to secure a lively and joyful future. We are once again tuning in to our inner reflections on the state of our efforts toward landing that lively and joyous future, but instead of quietly sitting with those reflections, we will probably feel more inclined to express ourselves through some creative means. Tapping into our imagination to find the magic requires we open ourselves up fully to what could be, so bear that in mind as you navigate your way through the day.


Venus’s meeting with Moon’s North Node can provide some much needed guidance through our relationships, especially regarding where we stand as individuals within those relationships. Are we free to express ourselves within our relationships? How conditional are they? Is there codependency that needs to be delicately addressed? These are invaluable lessons to pay attention to within our relationships if they are to grow more fulfilling and not more oppressing. 


As the evening sets in, we might feel some tension and resistance developing around the important facets of our life. The facets that matter most to us, such as our children, finances, friends, home, or anything else that we value deeply. Changes are coming, so we should be actively reflecting upon what exactly we cherish most and how to sustain keeping those people and things in our lives. It is quite possible we are feeling a shift to value different things than we used to, so wrapping our minds around what that transition looks like would be a good idea.


Thursday, April 18, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo trine Sun in Aries


Even though this resonant, luminous aspect is the only aspect of the day, much is shifting through the Pisces-Aries portion of the skies. We must always remember that where the players are on the field is where the action is taking place, and where the players on the field show up in our chart is even more pertinent to the action taking place in our lives. This means we have been in the thick of some deeply enlightening and emerging experiences, quite possibly shaking up situations in our lives that have been in place for a long time. Of course I hope all of us are faring well enough through it that we can find some excitement and joyful anticipation for what lies ahead.


All that said, today’s fiery luminary trine can really spark that kind of necessary excitement deep within, charging us up with a zest for actualizing whatever it is we can’t wait to bring into our lives. This can truly be a day of harmony, joy, and excitement, maybe even with some good news about something we have been hoping would work out for the best. May we all enjoy this day in joy and peace!


Friday, April 19, 2024 👇


Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries

*Sun ingresses Taurus*

Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces


As the transitions unfold, we begin to see our past in a different light. We recognize our failures, our shortcomings, and our foolishness. But we must not dwell upon these aspects of our life experience, because they are the tools that teach us how to grow and learn from our mistakes. Without their guidance we would never learn our lessons or become better people. So, despite the pain of the past, we must understand that it is up to us how we approach our future, how we perceive our future, and how we manifest our future.


These are lessons in values and Selfhood. What we esteem helps define who we are, and who we are plays a big role in how we are, so taking all of that to heart when we traverse this day can encourage some meaningful contemplation regarding the values of our future. After all, Sun’s ingress into Taurus harkens the beginning of numerous transitions out of the Pisces-Aries-dominated skies. And this has so much to do with our belongings, our financial security, our senses, our bodies, and all the things we love in life. 


What of the chaos that creeps into our psyches from time to time? Is it manageable? Are we afraid of it, or do we embrace it? The polarity between the control we have over many parts of our lives and all that we cannot control in our lives makes its way into our evening buzz. Do we fend off chaos every chance we get because we are afraid of losing control? Does the behavior of other people whose lives are chaotic give us anxiety? Spending a few moments to ask ourselves these questions might help us better understand why we might need to gain more control in our lives, or how we should consider trying to let go of needing so much control. This theme will be playing out through tomorrow too, so setting some intentions in this arena is not a bad idea.










Saturday, April 20, 2024 


Moon in Virgo opposite Mars in Pisces

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

*Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus*


Carrying on the theme of chaos and order today, we are likely experiencing some version of one or the other more predominantly. The evolutionary lesson in the bigger, eagle-eyed vision of things is whether we tend toward one or the other more often than not. It is quite common in this day and age to be much more inclined to controlling as much as we possibly can in not just our lives, but the lives of those around us. Why do we go so far as to try to control what other people do or say? It shows a lack of trust in their competency as individuals. It shows that we are afraid of life unfolding in ways we are not expecting it to. This breeds depression from disappointment when our expectations are not met.


We should be very careful and mindful today of our emotions and frustrations, especially surrounding our exacting and expectant tendencies. The fuses can be shorter, the obsession with perfection stronger, and our ultimate control over everything dissolved. 


Zooming even further out, we have reached the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. These two planets only meet up every 14 years, so this is a formidable rebirth of this duo’s cycle. We are talking about our values, opportunities, and advancements. Our extreme opinions that may be way too out of the box for others to get on board with. The job offer that seems like the chance of a lifetime. More than anything else, we are elevating our values and aligning them with the steady expansion of our consciousness. How can we redesign our core principles to reflect the vision we have of our most joyful future? This is the work we are setting out to do at the birth of this new 14 year cycle.





This week, we are assessing the impact the eclipse had upon our psyche and soul. We are sorting through the remnants of what was strewn across the road behind us for anything we might find useful and valuable moving forward, and leaving the rest behind. The shifts that continue to unfold this week are in step with the influences that were imbued upon us during the eclipse, so we should continue our due diligence and adhere to advancing and expanding our efforts to actualize the goals, ideals, and visions we have been excited to bring to fruition. All our dreams can come true if we trust in the love that overflows with abundance in our hearts.

Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

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