Meet the Maker: Nicole 🌲

Meet the Maker: Nicole 🌲

Oct 25, 2021

“The Mountains are MAGIC to me! They have a way of making me feel so small and huge at the same time! They give us the opportunity to get such an expansive view around us and I like to take the view I see from the top and turn my gaze inward and catch glimpses of the unseen places in myself and acknowledge the beauty there.” - Wildslice

Nicole has been sharing her artistic slices of the wild with the world for many moons and finds inspiration in everything from the smallest jaunt through the woods to summiting the highest mountain peak in the range, from a mushroom growing on the trail to an ever changing wave on the ocean. We are over the moon to have teamed up with her and to be able to help showcase her artistry to the world! From her graphic tees to her stickers, her artwork now takes the form of slices of wild that you can wear on an adventure or stick onto your gear. Who knows what kind of awesomeness future collaborations might bring?

The name Wildslice comes from cookies, cookies of the woods to be exact. Nicole and her partner used to cut up fallen logs they found in the forest into age-telling ovals and use them to create organic sculptures and wall art. These wood cookies were the original slices of wild, and they led to her artistic inspiration as well as her name. The cookies led to sketching which naturally led to painting, and most recently she has acquired a kiln and dove headfirst into throwing pottery. 

Regardless of the art form, her work uses intricate organic lines to reimagine nature. She starts with the mountains as her muses and puts pen to paper, then she scans the artwork to a computer and digitizes it so she can turn it into stickers and apparel. This awesome merch spans from the funky Wild Mushroom design that showcases our favorite foragable friends, to the Poseidon the Octopus design that celebrates the most intelligent and mysterious creature in the ocean. Not to mention Campervans and Mermaids and Moons, did we mention Sasquatch? There's a little slice of nature for everyone. Nature was the entryway to Nicole’s artistic expression and whether she is paddling, boarding, hiking, camping, or just relaxing, nature is a consistent source of creative inspiration. 

Nicole has been shopping with Mexicali for many moons as well, and her favorite purchase is a reclining Buddha that in her words, “reminds me to just chill and live my life in a way that works best for me.” She is also a big fan of travel and has taken many adventures all throughout the US to find her favorite slices. These travels led to a sticker series that she released of artistic representations of all 50 states, our favorite is the State of Maine one, but we’re biased. 

Check out our WILD SLICE COLLECTION to get your own little slice of the wild.

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